Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Antidotes to the Dreaded Workout Plateau

An efficient workout program is hindered by many roadblocks, some inevitable, some avoidable. One of the persistent concerns bodybuilders have when it comes to maintaining progress is the dreaded plateau, that phase when all your efforts yield zero results. You may even backtrack on your progress, instead of building muscles you'll stunt their growth. Anticipate the possibility of a plateau in your program anytime soon, and be prepared to avoid it at any cost, minimize its effects at the very least. There are several antidotes to a workout plateau, and you can try any of these next time, instead of worrying whether you're doomed to stagnancy in the next few weeks or so.

Variety Unlocks a Workout Plateau

The most potent antidote deserves first mention, and that is to maximize on the variety. The body is predictable in the sense that exercise only stimulates it to a certain extent. Once it gets accustomed to the strain, it's in state of stasis until it's challenged with harder strain, in exercise and routines. One surefire cause of a plateau is a program involving the same set of routines, repeated over the course of several months. A plateau is difficult to break once it starts, and the least you can do is manage the uphill climb, try boosters like C4 pre workout, and change your routines and your pace.

Increased Intensity Helps

The intensity of exercises help your progress, given that you've changed your workout routines to curb a plateau. Increased intensity is the logical step to efficient bodybuilding, and you can increase loads and reps per routine until you've jumpstarted your muscles, restart its growth. Once you're past the hump, you can step it up and continue with the staple sessions, so long as you maintain the difficulty. One thing, though; increasing reps for the same exercise does not equate to increasing the intensity of the same number of reps. Muscles are stimulated by strain, and it's a misconception to think that you can achieve the same results by doing moderate reps to the limit.

A Holistic, Versatile Workout Program

Variety is applicable to exercise, also to diet and supplementation. Make sure you've cleared food and drug standards of safety in the latter, though. Supplements are beneficial if you use these to compensate for gaps in nutrition; you can't take these to replace a full meal or a balanced diet. Your intake should also be supervised by a doctor and personal trainer. Even experienced bodybuilders need professional advice, especially when they're up against a particularly difficult plateau. You can check C4 pre workout at NutritionWarehouse website for starters, consider other formulations to pair it with. Hurdle plateaus with relative ease, incorporate variety in your workout program.

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