Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How To Prevent Muscle Breakdown

When you exercise, you’re actually breaking down your muscle tissues. Your body will then start repairing your muscle tissue and adding lean mass afterwards. Learn how to avoid muscle breakdown by increasing your body’s anabolism so you can build more muscles faster.

Get enough sleep and rest
Save up energy for your workout sessions. Resting throughout the day will give you more energy to spend during training so you can perform better and for longer. Sleep is also important for a bodybuilder. During sleep, your body will use this time to repair its muscles and to produce growth hormone that will help with protein synthesis.

Increase calorie intake
To prevent the body converting energy from the protein in your muscles, you need to have a steady supply of calories in the body. The body will breakdown anything, including muscle protein, as long as it can have the energy it requires to keep you going. Consuming sufficient amount of calories before you exercise will prevent muscle shrinkage.

Drinking a protein shake immediately after working out will increase the rate of anabolism in the body. If you do not like protein shakes, you can always eat a meal rich in protein and carbohydrates. But the advantage of a protein shake is it is easily digestible compared to natural food sources. And your body will need that supply of protein to get on with muscle repair and synthesis.

BCAA supplement
Take BCAA supplements before and/or after your workout. What makes BCAA so popular is their proven ability to decrease muscle fatigue and muscle breakdown while increasing muscle synthesis. This is why bodybuilders add BCAA supplements in their nutritional diet as it helps them put on more lean muscles in the body. The effects of BCAA in the body is fully discussed in this article. BCAA is composed of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine and valine. These three aid in the anabolic process and will delay the onset of muscle fatigue. Because of the fatigue delay, you will be able to perform more than your usual routine. Check for bcaa at Nutrition Warehouse and start adding BCAAs in your nutrition today.

Less cardio
Every workout will start with cardio exercises but cardio will use up a lot of your body’s energy and will burn most of the calories you’ve consumed throughout the day leaving you with fewer calories for your bodybuilding exercises. Doing less cardio will ensure that you still have energy to complete your workout and possibly do more.

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