Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Breaking Workout Myths and Misconceptions

It's easy to fall into the pit trap of workout myths, when your program involves several weeks of routines, and you're required to follow through. The plateau is a primary concern for novice and seasoned bodybuilders alike, the symptom that the body is getting too accustomed to predictability in diet, supplementation, and exercise. Your best solution is still to adopt an efficient program (especially when it comes to supplementation), under the guidance of a personal trainer, under the supervision of a doctor. Bad habits creep into your routines without you noticing it, and it's important you're well aware of these, nip these in the bud. Consider the following guide as part of the solution to an inefficient workout.

Routines, Progressive instead of Stagnant

Routines are good, but only if calibrated and in moderation. An efficient workout program thrives in predictability, until your body gets too comfortable and considers the exercises as non-challenges. Your workout program should be progressive, involving routines with increasing intensity and difficulty. Once you feel the sets too easy, doable enough you can take on five or more reps without tapping out your strength, it's a sign your body has overcome the difficulty of the routine. It's time to move on. Your personal trainer should be able to monitor your progress, adjust your routines accordingly.

Mind the Symptoms of a Lukewarm Routine

If you're doing your program on your own, mind the tell-tale signs of a lukewarm routine. There are days when you have to drag yourself into a workout session, but you have a problem if this happens all-too-often. It's either your sessions are too difficult or too easy, something a re-calibration or variety in exercise will solve. Proper form is also crucial to effective sessions, a challenge to perfect without the guidance of a personal trainer. Being part of a fitness club pays off; you can always catch up on slack days with free weights and body-weight exercises at home.

Variety Pulls You from the Comfort Zone

It's possible to be accustomed to the routines of supplementation. C4 pre workout is recommended if you lack the drive to jumpstart workout sessions, but the variety of supplement formulations hint that you shouldn't stick to any combination for so long; make sure you incorporate variety in intake, alternate between different brands and formulations. It follows that you're aware of safety precautions and proper intake, though. You can't pop pills, consume concentrated servings without knowing how these affect your pre, intra, and post workouts. Pre-workout supplements, for example, have cumulative and residual effects on the body, and the caffeine component is addictive by default. If you're going to buy C4 pre workout in, make sure your intake is approved by your doctor and personal trainer. It's better to be safe than sorry, assured that you'll only reap benefits off your program.

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